Category: Movie

  • Stalingrad – Trailer

    A new movie about the battle of Stalingrad: Visually stunning.  If you’re unfamiliar with the great WWII battle you can read up on it over at Wikipedia. Interesting how at the end of the trailer it advertises that it’s going to be in 3D.  I wouldn’t have pegged this for the type of movie that…

  • Using Drone Aircraft To Creep On Beach Girls

    I know some of you creeps would be all over this.  Not me *shifty eyes*: Real artsy, but cool.  With ARGUS, you could creep miles of beach in high resolution 24 hours per day.  Something I’m positive DARPA probably does to “test” this new technology out.

  • Into The White – Trailer

    A new WWII era movie that looks promising: English and German pilots shoot each other down, and later find themselves at the same cabin. In order to survive the tough winter in the Norwegian wilderness they have to stand together. I’ll likely wait until it comes out on video, but I’ll definitely have to check…